Audrey Parker

This is a very personal podcast for me. Audrey Parker has been a close friend since the mid-1980s.

Audrey is, as you will hear, a remarkable woman.

She was born in the Annapolis Valley into a family of modest means but she always felt there was a very different path for her.

Recently, Audrey has drawn considerable attention for her advocacy for Medical Assistance In Dying or MAID.

The past two years, since she was diagnosed with cancer, have been some of Audrey’s richest days.

This interview is from two weeks ahead of Audrey’s planned death. Her attitude and approach to death are both pragmatic and passionate.

What was perhaps most striking about this conversation is the juxtaposition of Audrey’s enthusiasm and zest for life and her impending self-determined death.

It’s an exploration of her life and of her approach to cancer and for her the inevitability of her death.

Please enjoy this candid conversation with my fabulous dying friend, Audrey Parker.



4 Comments. Leave new

  • Great work Jordi….. and a week after you release online.. these should air every weekend on News 95-7. They could really benefit from great interviews like these.

    • Thanks Dave, they are airing on 97.5 CIOE, the community station in Lower Sackville. I suggested them to Rogers at one point but they wanted me to buy airtime…I thought that was…ummm…ironic.

  • I remember Audrey from “back in the day in Halifax”! This interview was both amazing and beautiful….she will be remembered……

  • Thank you for this Jordi. Audrey, you make my heart smile.


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